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Students as mentors: Changing the next generation

This document provides some exemplar case studies that have been extracted from data collected for a research project. The project explored undergraduate students’ experiences of volunteer mentoring as an extra-curricula activity and the influence this had on their studies. The students were participants in a scheme that provides mentoring for young people looked after by local authorities.



Student mental health section of the mhhe website

University life can be exciting for students, but can also engender frustration and isolation. Students with mental health problems may find it difficult to ask for help - appropriate services may be lacking and/or they may fear the stigma that can result from disclosure. For students on professional programmes, the need to prove oneself as ‘fit for practice' can be the source of additional stress. The development of appropriate values and attitudes requires a focus on the self. This can be an emotional journey, especially for students who are also users of services. This section of the mhhe site provides links to guidelines and publications; some examples of institutional policies; guidance on developing an inclusive curriculum, and on fitness to practice issues; event reports and links. It also contains a link to an annotated reading list.



The Social Care Institute for Excellence's (SCIE) support for students

Our resources support the core curriculum for social work education and training and can be accessed free of charge. We encourage students and educators to use our resources for personal learning, formal training or presentations. SCIE’s work covers adults’, children’s and families’ and workforce services. SCIE’s student page helpfully highlights a selection of resources which directly reflect the Social Work degree core curriculum. It also allows you to link straight through to some of our innovative multi-media resources




The ability to relate one's own work to existing knowledge is an essential skill for students and practitioners alike. This learning resource aims to make it easier to get referencing right.


This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:45:31 2025 UTC.