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IRISS Podcast: Improving child protection, messages for research

Robin Sen currently works as a Lecturer in Child and Family Social Work at Sheffield. Prior to that he was a Teaching Fellow at the University of Strathclyde for three and a half years. His practice background is as a children and families practitioner in Glasgow, where he had a particular focus on working with looked after and accommodated children. He is also a qualified Practice Teacher in social work. Dr Pam Green Lister is Course Director of the Masters in Social Work Course. She mainly teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students on qualifying social work courses, but is also involved in research teaching on other masters courses. Her main areas of teaching are social work theory and practice and child protection. Her research interests are in the fields of social work education and child protection. She is currently involved in an evaluation of the social work degree in England, funded by the Department of Health, having previously undertaken research funded by Social Policy and Social Work Higher Education Academy and the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education.



IRISS Podcast: Good governance in data sharing and data linkage for research and evaluation purposes

The evaluation of everyday multi-professional intervention to safeguard and promote the well-being of vulnerable children is limited and restricts both operational planning and professional intervention. The core aim of this programme are to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research. Graeme Laurie is Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law. His research interests include the role of law in promoting and regulating science, medicine and technology. He was the Chair of the permanent Ethics and Governance Council of UK Biobank from 2006-2010 and currently the Chair of the Privacy Advisory Committee in Scotland. His presentation title is: "Good governance in data sharing and data linkage for research and evaluation purposes"



IRISS Podcast: Glasgow Parenting Support Framework Evaluation: school readiness and longitudinal trajectories using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and linked health data

Longitudinal research seminar took place The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Glasgow Parenting Support Framework Evaluation: school readiness and longitudinal trajectories using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and linked health data. Lucy Thompson, Public Health Resource Unit, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde



IRISS Podcast: Exploring outcomes: the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS)

Longitudinal research seminar took place The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Exploring outcomes: the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS). Lisa Calderwood, Senior Survey Manager, MCS



IRISS Podcast: Keys to our research: unlocking the doors to a better future

Keys to Our Research: Unlocking the Doors to a Better Future - Ian Brookes, Sylvia Archibald and Kerry McInnes Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research



IRISS Podcast: Ireland's Inclusive Research Network...where we've come from... where we want to go

Ireland's Inclusive Research Network.... Where we've come from... Where we want to go.. - Marie Wolfe, Ger Minogue and Rob Hopkins



Understanding resilience

The objective of this learning object is to understand the concept of ‘resilience’ and the value of ‘protective factors’ in planning to support vulnerable children. This resource contains information on risk, research evidence, protective factors and the ecological model as well as resilient children and protective environments


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