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IRISS Podcast: Improving child protection, messages for research

Robin Sen currently works as a Lecturer in Child and Family Social Work at Sheffield. Prior to that he was a Teaching Fellow at the University of Strathclyde for three and a half years. His practice background is as a children and families practitioner in Glasgow, where he had a particular focus on working with looked after and accommodated children. He is also a qualified Practice Teacher in social work. Dr Pam Green Lister is Course Director of the Masters in Social Work Course. She mainly teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students on qualifying social work courses, but is also involved in research teaching on other masters courses. Her main areas of teaching are social work theory and practice and child protection. Her research interests are in the fields of social work education and child protection. She is currently involved in an evaluation of the social work degree in England, funded by the Department of Health, having previously undertaken research funded by Social Policy and Social Work Higher Education Academy and the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education.



IRISS Podcast: Anxiety and child protection - implications for practice

Anxiety and child protection - implications for practice. Janice McGhee, Senior Lecture and Lorraine Waterhouse, Professor, University of Edinburgh.



IRISS Podcast: Young People's Views of The Child Protection System

Young People's Views of The Child Protection System. Richard Wolfson at Perth Concert Hall. Contemporary issues in child protection seminar series - Scottish Child Care and Protection Network



Understanding attachment theory

The objective of this learning object is to enable students to understand the basic principles of attachment theory and its importance for practice. This resource defines attachment, examines the components of attachment theory, patterns of attachment behaviour as well as attachment, abuse and neglect.



Case study: children, families and child protection

This case has been designed as a focus for learning about the legal, ethical and practice issues emerging from a child protection case scenario. As the case moves from allegations of abuse to planning for permanent care, learners can be asked to interpret and assess an unfolding scenario of complex need and to consider a variety of responses designed both to promote the welfare of the three children and ensure parents’ rights are actively considered. The case study consists of five short video clips representing the case at different points in time and offering the different perspectives of key players in the case: an anonymous caller; social workers involved in the initial investigation; a neighbour; a foster carer; and Jasmine Donnelly the thirteen year old daughter of Sharon Donnelly.


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