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Number of items: 4.


IRISS image bank collection: Adults & Children / Young People

A collection of images suitable for use in social work training. These images have Creative Commons licences and may be freely used for non-commercial purposes.



Substance Misuse and Young People

A powerpoint presentation which details the incidence of drug and alcohol use by young people in the UK. The presentation looks at issues of consent for treatment and the harm minimisation model.



Assessing practice learning in child and adolescent mental health

This case study describes how a practice assessment tool was developed and introduced for further and advanced pqsw courses in child and adolescent mental health at Anglia Ruskin University. The aim was to develop a useful tool that offers social workers a structured, evidence-based learning experience to improve practice with troubled young people.



Teaching, learning and assessing communication skills with children and young people: Developing the social work qualifying curriculum

This project report informs on a SWAP-funded project 'Teaching, learning and assessing communication skilss with children and young people: Developing the social work qualifying curriculum'. It includes the following sections: 'Background to the dissemination project', 'The aims of the dissemination project', 'The first workshop', 'Follow-up from the first workshop', 'The second workshop' and 'Evaluation and review of the project'.


This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 13:34:50 2025 UTC.