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Number of items: 4.


MA/PGDip/PGCert Child Welfare and Protection

This case study discusses the planning, progress and implementation of the validation of the MA Child Protection Pathway at the School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield, for post-qualifying social workers and post-graduate health professionals. The proposal took full advantage of developments in work-based learning, learning agreements and the use of mentors. Development issues are discussed, together with reflection on how the course has progressed.



Interprofessional Education. An exploration of student and staff perspectives in the School of Education, Social Work and Community Education at the University of Dundee

This case study explores both the student and staff experience of two core modules delivered as part of the interprofessional/interdisciplinary year one learning and teaching for students in community education, teacher education and social work. The case study, drawn from an action research project, demonstrates that students experienced an initial disorientation which was exacerbated by complex subject areas not seen as relevant by the students. By contrast, the focus on human development and psychology in practice was seen to be useful by the student cohort. Both staff and students felt that environmental factors influenced the quality of teaching on these modules. In general, both staff and students rated the quality of teaching, assessment and staff support as relatively high although there was a consensus that more interactive, task orientated approaches were most effective. Finally, there was both a staff and student view to suggest that interprofessional education is perceived as being more useful at a later stage of the students training beyond year one.



Embedding Practice Based, Interprofessional Education into the Curriculum

This case study discusses the early stages of implementing an interprofessional unit for level 2 nursing and level 3 social work students. The aim is to give them interprofessional practice experience of using a particular approach to improve client care. The support of line management is highlighted and emphasis is made of the time consuming process implementation will take. The need for practice based managers to understand the relevance is also discussed.



Interprofessional Education

In 2005 SWAP funded eight projects in social policy and social work education designed to promote the use of effective learning, teaching and assessment activities; to encourage the development and sharing of innovative approaches and to raise awareness of the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of educational methods. Interprofessional Education is a report from the Learning from Lives project.


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