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Number of items: 8.


Handbook for External Examiners

Guidance for external examiners for the degree in social work, produced by the Prepared by:The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP)with the Joint University Council Social Work Education Committee and the four UK Care Councils (the General Social Care Council, the Care Council for Wales, the Northern Ireland Social Services Council and the Scottish Social Services Council)



Approaches to assessment - in focus issue 01 (Winter 2008)

Approaches to assessment - Inside this issue: 'Changing an assessment method', 'In conversation with Nick Ellison' (Social Policy Association, Learning and Teaching sub-committee) and 'Introducing a formative assessment tool'. Published November 2008



Planning problem based learning opportunities for students in social work and nursing at Staffordshire: A case study in learning and teaching about assessment in social work education

This case study focuses on the initial planning of some joint teaching for social work and nursing students at the University of Staffordshire, using a Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach to teach the process of assessment. Five two-hour sessions are planned with each group having equal numbers of nursing and social work students. Not only will this provide opportunities for joint working at an early stage in their professional training, but it is envisaged that it will lead to improved skills in professional problem identification and seeking out relevant information to answer questions raised by the scenarios. Factors which have facilitated this development are noted along with issues which need to be addressed in the planning of teaching multidisciplinary groups of students.



Plagiarism, 'controlled conditions' and the assessment of social work skills in 'real time'

The aim of this case study was to devise a classroom exercise under 'controlled conditions' in an attempt to ensure that we were assessing social work students' own work, rather than something that they had found - or bought - on the internet. The aim was to stimulate learning beyond "acquisition of knowledge and skills" towards "changes in behaviour" (Barr et al 2000 cited in Carpenter, 2005) and the development of skills required of emerging social work practitioners.



First year students learning community profiling skills

We met with students learning community profiling skills in focus groups during their first year in order to evaluate what they had learnt and the links they made between their learning and their understanding of the social work degree curriculum.



E-learning at Liverpool John Moores University: A case study in learning and teaching about assessment in social work education

Dr Derek Clifford produced a CD-rom Social Assessment: Applying Critical Auto/ Biographical Methods which he has used with both DipSW students and employees of a local authority social work department to facilitate learning about assessment. In this case study, Derek discusses the development and use of this CD-rom, and also other ways in which he has incorporated e-learning into his teaching about assessment, including email, Blackboard, Pro-Care and CCIS. Used together with other methods of teaching, it is proposed that e-learning can facilitate students developing an understanding of a holistic anti-oppressive analysis of social situations and to relate theoretical principles and basic skills to assessment of a complex case study.



Assessing practice learning in child and adolescent mental health

This case study describes how a practice assessment tool was developed and introduced for further and advanced pqsw courses in child and adolescent mental health at Anglia Ruskin University. The aim was to develop a useful tool that offers social workers a structured, evidence-based learning experience to improve practice with troubled young people.



The Impact of Work Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Citizenship and their Role in the Community

In 2005 SWAP funded eight projects in social policy and social work education designed to promote the use of effective learning, teaching and assessment activities; to encourage the development and sharing of innovative approaches and to raise awareness of the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of educational methods. The following is the final report The Impact of Work Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Citizenship and their Role in the Community.


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