Fair Access to Care Services (FACS)
This training module aims to support re-orientation and re-skilling of staff directly involved in decision-making using FACS and eligibility criteria, their supervisors and line managers, and those monitoring and reporting on the operations of the system. It sets out to:
•be accessible and useful to front-line social workers, care managers and support brokers, as they make key decisions about people’s eligibility for support
•assist first-line managers to oversee the decision being made in their organisations
•be accessible to the users of services, and their carers and families, as well as advocacy groups and user-led organisations (ULOs), so that the basis on which funding decisions are made is clear to those most affected by them.
By the end of this module you should have a better understanding of:
•What FACS is
•What's new, what's changed and what's remained the same
•How FACS will apply to your practice.
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Resource Details
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Creators | Linda Green | gavin.nettleton@scie.org.uk | Social Care Institute for Excellence SCIE | gavin.nettleton@scie.org.uk | Daphne Statham | gavin.nettleton@scie.org.uk | Don Brand | gavin.nettleton@scie.org.uk |
Added | 16 Feb 2011 15:31 |
Region | UK |
Keywords | UKOER, SWAPBox, FACS, access, fair, e-learning, eligibility criteria |
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