The Impact of Work Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Citizenship and their Role in the
In 2005 SWAP funded eight projects in social policy and social work education designed to promote the use of effective learning, teaching and assessment activities; to encourage the development and sharing of innovative approaches and to raise awareness of the importance
of evaluating the effectiveness of educational methods. The following is the final report The Impact of Work Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Citizenship and their Role in the Community.
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Creators | Gary Taylor | | Malcolm Todd | None | Mike McManus | None | Jo Long | None | Richard McCarter | None | Alison Digman | None | Sheffield Hallam University | None |
Added | 15 Dec 2010 10:23 |
Keywords | UKOER, SWAPBox, Project Report, Social Policy Education, Effective Learning, teaching, Assessment, Work Based Learning, Community, Citizenship, Educational Methods |
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